Item Identification

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Item Identification in Ultima Online

Item Identification is a skill in Ultima Online used to determine the NPC value of items and the imbuing ingredients they will unravel into.

Former Function:

Item Identification previously revealed hidden magic properties of weapons and armor. However, this information is now visible to players by simply clicking on any item. As a result, Item Identification is generally considered obsolete, with few players pursuing it, mainly for roleplaying purposes.

Professional Title: Merchant

Maximum Skill Level: 100.0

NPC Trainers: Gambler, Gypsy, Jeweler, Merchant Guildmaster, Miner Guildmaster

Using Item Identification:

  1. Active Use: You can activate Item Identification through a macro or by clicking the skill icon. This action prompts a targeting cursor and a system message asking, "What do you wish to appraise and identify?"
  2. Outcome Possibilities:
    • Failure: Message indicates, "You have no idea how much that item might be worth."
    • Success: Message indicates, "[Name of Item] You guess the value of that item at: [amount in gold]."
    • Failure to Identify Imbuing Ingredient: Indicates that your imbuing skill isn't high enough.
    • Success in Identifying Imbuing Ingredient: Indicates the item's potential magical unraveling:
      • "Possesses little to no magic properties."
      • "Will magically unravel into: Magical Residue."
      • "Will magically unravel into: Enchanted Essence (Imbuing > 45.0)."
      • "Will magically unravel into: Relic Fragment (Imbuing > 90.0)."


To train Item Identification, use the skill on items. Each attempt provides a chance to increase your skill level.