Hey Everyone, Leoncio here, some of you may also know me by Nebo, one of the 3 Guild Masters of QTPI. In RL my name is Mark and I use the name Leoncio in honor of my wife's father who passed away when she was only 10 years old ( over 4 decades ago). I have been (Happily?) married for 22 years now and have 2 wonderful daughters from this marriage, Ages 10 and 8...They keep me young along with playing games like UOAlive with younger players than me, am just about 6 decades old. I grew up in Wisconsin and have lived in TN, VA, NJ, AR and Indiana which is where I currently am. I am former US NAVY and Uncle Sam paid me to go to 11 different countries. This of course was during the good years of the 80's. Since then I have had the opportunity to continue traveling and am currently at 26 countries that I have visited.
I am the type of person that gets along with everyone..until you get me ticked off at you. I accept everyone for who they are and enjoy talking with complete strangers. I also believe that with civil communication, most things can be overcome and figured out so that everyone can walk away with more insight and knowledge of more things than they knew before. There really is no place in a person's life for constant rage at everything and everyone that does not share the same view as you. Be open to understanding others viewpoints and paths in life.
Anyway, and onto gaming..I have always been a gamer..from board games like Risk, Monopoly, Axis and Allies..Etc, to card games like Cribbage, Rummy, Spades, Eucher and even Bridge. Then my parents bought an Atari way back when I was a youngin and all it came with was Pong at that time. My 3 sisters and I played that game constantly and I got hooked on video games. then came the Commodore64 and I got even more hooked. In High School, I spent much of my time in the town's video game arcade much to my parents dismay. between pinball, donkey kong, space invaders and Galaxian I spent a fortune! After my time in the Navy, I finally got around to getting my own PC. Had some friends that were heavily into computers and they helped me figure out what I needed to order to be able to scratch build my first PC. The only thing that I truely remember about that build was that it had a whopping 256MB HDD...Back then we thought, will never fill that up, it also had a 4.5 in floppy and 3.25 in floppy drive in it. and then there was the lovely sound of that 14.4 baud modem going off when it would try to connect.....then the dang phone would ring and disconnect you!
Ok...enough for now...may fill in more later