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Veterinary in Ultima Online

Overview: Veterinary skill works on all tameable creatures in Ultima Online. It complements Animal Lore, functioning similarly to Anatomy with Healing.

Healing Mechanics:

  • The amount of hit points healed is calculated using the same formula as for Healing/Anatomy.
  • The delay for healing a pet with Veterinary is fixed at 2 seconds, unaffected by player dexterity.

Skill Requirements:

  • 60.0 Skill Points: Required in Animal Lore and Veterinary to cure poison.
  • 80.0 Skill Points: Required in Animal Lore and Veterinary to resurrect a bonded pet.
  • Veterinary always prioritizes curing poison before healing damage; another bandage is needed to heal damage after curing.

Skill Gain:

  • Skill gain is not difficulty-based; healing increasing amounts of damage or curing poison as your skill improves is unnecessary for skill advancement. Avoid applying bandages to nearly undamaged pets to ensure skill gains.
  • Training often coincides with taming: set disposable pets to fight until death, then heal them to build skill. By the time you tame a permanent pet, your Veterinary skill should be sufficient to keep it alive post-bonding.

Healing Calculation:

  • Healing amount is determined by Veterinary and Animal Lore levels, plus a bonus based on the pet's total hit points:
    • Minimum Healed = (lore / 5) + (vet / 5) + 3
    • Maximum Healed = (lore / 5) + (vet / 2) + 10
    • Amount Healed = random(Min_Healed, Max_Healed) + (pet’s max HP / 100)

Additional Information:

  • Veterinary contributes to your total stable slot limit.
  • Dexterity does not affect the speed of Veterinary; all bandaging actions take a fixed 2 seconds.

Training Progression:

  • 0 - 30 Skill: Train at an NPC Stablemaster.
  • 30 - 60 Skill: Heal creatures; use weak creatures like deer or cows attacking each other for skill gains.
  • 60 - 80 Skill: Cure poisoned creatures (requires 60 Animal Lore).
  • 80 - 120 Skill: Resurrect dead pets (requires 80 Animal Lore).