Recent content by Ragnall

  1. R

    Patch Patch Notes 4/26/24 - Patch Your Client and Lots of GOODIES!

    Oh god the deco.. MORE! GIVE ME MORE!
  2. R

    Past Events Viking Themed Abyss House Contest! Starts November 1st.

    So, here's my attempt, this was alot harder than I first anticipated! And love all of the entries so far! Here we have Heimdall’s Watch Heimdall’s Watch, a spectral refuge nestled in the shadowy Abyss of Ultima Online, stands as a haven for the intrepid and the seekers of arcane wonders. In...
  3. R

    Past Events Monthly Dye Tub Color Suggestions!

    Kryptonite green - Hue 1914 Heartwood Green - Hue 1193 Dull Copper esc - Hue 2422 Gnaw's blue colour - Hue 1195 Some suggestions :D