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Monty Python and the Holy Grail: A Step-by-Step Guide​

So you need a little help completing the Holy Grail quest. No problem! I have oodles of time and no life, so I've compiled a picture-laden guide to help those players who need a little assistance in completing this quest line.

This quest is infinitely repeatable, so if you're interested in the rewards, it's definitely worth either buying or making your own quest runebook. To get started, there is a Holy Grail Quest runebook in the Community Rune Library. I'll be writing this guide under the assumption that you don't care about finding stuff yourself; everything is written under the assumption that you have a quest runebook to recall from. I recommend you complete this quest with a character that has magery so they can gate the escorts around.
Before you set off on your quest, you'll need a few supplies:
  • 12 fertile dirt (obtained from mystics in Ter Mur)
  • 1 inshave
  • 1 dovetail saw
Now let's get started! This quest should take about 30-45 minutes, depending on your character's strength and your overall time efficiency.

Scene 1

Talk to Arthur, King of the Brits, found in the throne room of Castle British.
Accept his quest The Holy Grail-Scene 1. You will receive a Coconuts of Clapping.
Head to Swallow Castle, west of the thief's guild in Vesper.

Talk to Bedemir, accept his quest Bedemir of Swallow Castle, then bring him to Castle British to complete his escort quest. You will receive A 'Mighty Steed'.

Toggle Quest Item on the Coconuts of Clapping and A 'Mighty Steed', found in your inventory.
Talk to Arthur to complete The Holy Grail-Scene 1. You'll receive a Coconuts of Clapping as a reward. Accept the next quest The Holy Grail-Scene 2.
Scene 2

Go to the fields west of Britain to locate Smelly Pigs and Dennis the Peasant. Kill five pigs, then locate Denny (in the northernmost field). Speak to him for his quest Dennis the 'Peasant'and escort him back to Castle British.

Upon arriving at Castle British, Denny will present to you his tribute of horse dung. Mark that as a quest item, then talk to Arthur again to complete Scene 2. You'll receive a Horse Dung as a reward. Accept Arthur's next quest, The Holy Grail-Scene 3.
Scene 3

Head to Ilshenar and locate the Black Knight.

Kill him, then loot the Black Knight's Helmet off his corpse. Mark the helmet as a quest item, then return to Castle British and speak to Arthur.

You'll receive a Black Knight Replica - Victory! statuette. Accept his next quest, The Holy Grail Quest-Scene 4.

Scene 4

Head to Ilshenar to find the Knights of Nee. Speak to the middle knight and accept his quest The Knights Who Say 'NEE'.

Go to Moonglow to find Roger the Shrubber.

Talk to him and accept his quest Roger the Shrubber, then mark the 12 fertile dirt, dovetail saw, and inshave as quest items. Speak to him again and complete the quest to receive A Shrubbery.
Mark the shrubbery as a quest item, then return to the Knights of Knee in Ilshenar. Speak to the knight to complete the quest The Knights Who Say 'NEE' and receive A Herring.

Mark the herring as a quest reward, then return to Castle British.

Speak to Arthur, then accept his next quest The Holy Grail-Scene 5. You should receive a Nee Landscaping Deed as a reward.
Scene 5

The Knights of the Round Table are located at the West (The Blue Boar) and East (The Salty Dog) Britain taverns.

You will need to escort two of them to Castle British and mark their Grail Reports as quest items.

Head to the spider cave (south of the Black Knight) in Ilshenar and locate the teleportation rune in the grass oasis that leads to Castle Anthrax.

Once at Castle Anthrax, speak to Zoot the foul temptress and accept her quest The Castle Anthrax.

In the courtyard, you will need to kill the single guard to loot the key to Galahad's cell. This key has two uses, so save the key for a future quest run to save yourself some time.

Kill the guards inside the castle until you've killed the required six women.

Speak to Zoot to complete her quest The Castle Anthrax, then mark the Fake Holy Grail as a quest item.

Use the Galahad's Cell key on the pink door, then go upstairs and speak to Galahad to begin his escort The Tale of Sir Galahad.

On the first floor of his cell is a pink public moongate you can use to leave Ilshenar.

Bring Galahad to Castle British to complete his escort quest, then mark Galahad's Report as a quest item.

Speak to King Arthur to complete The Holy Grail-Scene 5. You will receive a Trophy Case Addon deed as a reward. Accept his next quest, The Holy Grail-Scene 6.
Scene 6

Head to Yew Abbey, where you will find Brother Maynard. Speak to him to start his quest Brother Maynard, then escort him to Castle British.

Mark The Holy Hand Grenade you receive as a quest item.

Speak to King Arthur to complete The Holy Grail-Scene 6. You should receive King Arthur's Satchel with five Holy Hand Grenades as a reward. Accept his next quest The Holy Grail-Scene 7.
Scene 7

Go to Ilshenar to find Tim the Enchanter. Speak to him to accept his quest Tim the Enchanter, then locate the cave of Kyre Banorg northwest of his house.

To kill the rabbit, you can use the Holy Hand Grenades (recommended), or any other method you desire. Beware, the rabbit packs a mean one-hit kill punch.

If you find yourself dead, there is a healer directly south of the cave entrance. Just follow the road south.

Once the rabbit has been vanquished, return to Tim the Enchanter and turn in his quest Tim the Enchanter. He will give you a Map. Mark that as a quest item, then return to Castle British.

Speak to Arthur to complete The Holy Grail-Scene 7. You will receive a Cow as a reward. Accept Arthur's next quest, Holy Grail Quest-Conclusion.
Scene 8/Conclusion

Locate the Black Beast of Aaargh! and defeat him.

Upon his defeat, make your way to the red sparkles north of him to teleport to the Bridge of Death.

At the Bridge of Death, you will answer three questions, found by mousing over the signs on the North walls.
As of writing this guide, the questions and answers are:
What is it you seek? The Holy Grail
What is your favorite color? Purple (I presume any color can be said here, but I went with purple because... well, it's my favorite LOL)
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow? African or European
Once you reach the end of the bridge, say 'exit' to get to the final building, Castle Uuggggggh.

Speak to the Castle Guard and accept his quest The Castle Uuggggggh, then head inside the structure and begin killing Taunting Frenchmen. One of the Frenchmen on the first floor will drop a key named 'Old Man From Scene 7' that you will need to access the prison cell.

You will need to kill six Taunting Frenchmen in all.

Once the required Frenchmen are killed, use the Old Man From Scene 7 key on the cell door, speak to the Old Man and accept his quest The Old Man From Scene 7 and walk him towards the grey gate near the front doors, named "To The King."

Before stepping through the gate, make sure you speak to the Castle Guard to complete his quest The Castle Uuggggggh. You will receive a white marble colored COWS! statuette. Mark this as a quest item.

Once you step through the gate, the Old Man From Scene 7 quest should automatically complete and you'll receive a Bridge Token and a Book of Grail Lore. Mark the Bridge Token as a quest item.

Speak to King Arthur to complete the entire questline. You will receive a miniature chest with a Holy Gail decorative reward, as well as a King Arthur's Token.
And that's it! You've completed the Monty Python and the Holy Grail questline! Congratulations!

The King Arthur's Tokens can be brought to the Magical Stone Exchange in Magincia for various rewards, seen below:

i just noticed it says "Go to Moonglow to find Roger the Shrubber." but isn't in Trinsic? i do love the guide so far though