- If a pet cannot use a carrot to reset their skills then it will say "[Cannot Carrot]" in the lore screen. Just as some information tidbits, the only creatures that cannot be reset, are those that were trained prior to March 23rd 2023. If you get a pet that is from say, June 1st 2018 and hasn't been trained, the minute you train it, it builds a profile. This allows the carrot to be used. Only pets trained prior to that date cannot use a carrot.
- Removed Aura of Energy From Eowmu(retains Tail Swipe). Reserved for upcoming Astral Creatures. Remaining ones will be grandfathered.
- Fixed Z axis on East Facing Orcish Banners
- Incremental Adjustment to Taming Chance of 120 Creatures with 120/120
- Fix: add Sacred Journey to "travel even if blocked" list
- Remove guards from Trammel Papua and Delucia
- Soul Stones returned to IDOC loot since you can now reset them in Magincia
- When Searching Min Dexterity for a Pet it will now show proper results.
- Add Evil Hue Lanterns to transmog Stone in Magincia
- NPC Backend stuff
- NPCs no longer visible when hidden
- NPCs names no longer show strange characters in their names
- NPCS now have an [NPC] Tag infront of their name and below it and will show up Purple.
- GM's can now use the NPC Commands (backend stuff)