What's new

Patch Patch Notes - 3/7/2024


Staff member
  • A Bath House Bath Addon has been added to the Magincia Stone
  • Added Wheel Barrow that produces Plants to the Magincia Stone Exchange.
  • Adjusted the Rare Drop chance of Greater and Normal Dragon's to be a higher chance to spawn.
  • Fixed Firesteed rare hue.
  • Added new Colossus for different encounters. Magma Colossus and Energy Colossus
  • Added a new drop item for Woman's History Month. Details when drop is active. There will be 15 possible titles. So trade with others to collect all 15.

  • Drops will now look for a minimum Game Time Played for a player to receive. We will not be releasing this # to avoid exploitation but it is reasonable.
  • Update the Shrunken Phoenix to a different icon to view better in pack. Cannot be a phoenix as there is no icon for it. So we used a parrot!
  • "Murderers" in a guild can toggle looting on or off like a blue.
  • Removed Murder Decay Rate since it is not based off killing but for visual and RP purposes only.
  • Fix Moonstones being usable by "reds"
  • A Soul Stone Reset is available at the Magincia Exchange free of charge. (this will allow you to target any soulstone and reset it, while binding it to the account you wish to use it on)
  • Add Ethereal Triceratops
  • Add Ethereal Skeletal Cat
  • Add Ethereal Capybara
  • Add Ethereal Coconut Crab

  • Removed any Mounts from the UOStore that have an Exotic Version to prevent confusion.

  • All tame-able creatures with exotic, rare, etc variants are now aggressive. The passive creatures, made taming these powerful creatures insanely easy.
  • Rideable Eowmu Exotic Tamable created (must create the encounter first, will likely be two locations we will let you know when it is setup!)
Web client for Classic UO just got some great enhancements tested on and working with UOAlive! From their discord:

There's been quite a few behind-the-scenes updates since the last post that we've slipped in (like a recent UI refresh, and rebuilt shard patching) however we've just released 2 experimental client features which we welcome feedback on.

Modern Tooltips

Essentially this replaces the existing CUO native tooltips with a completely Web version rendered by Chrome (implemented in React)


⦁ Better readability
⦁ Item icons
⦁ Comparisons against equipped items (hold CTRL)
⦁ Colour based on item rarity (if your shard sends a colour, e.g. like UOAlive)
⦁ Reworked tooltip texts (left aligning numbers)
⦁ Highlighting for positive/negative modifiers
⦁ Durability meter

Modern Chat

More in the prototype stage but similar theme to Tooltips, this replaces the native CUO chat bar with a tabbed chat window.
This one is a bit more experimental as it doesn't *yet* support some functions like emotes, replying to prompts, enter to activate chat etc.

Some planned features include: custom tabs with filters, alerts and highlighting on keywords, server command auto-complete, custom font & size, searchable history.
We're open to any feature ideas/suggestions, feel free to post them in #web-feedback

How to enable/disable these experiments

Once in-game click `Game Options` from the assistant sidebar, you'll find the options under `Experimental`.


Video: Click here
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Thank you so much for the wheelbarrow add really chuffed……… thank you thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Could the "Drops will now look for a minimum Game Time Played for a player to receive." be elaborated upon? What drops would be affected, how would game time interact with that etc?
Could the "Drops will now look for a minimum Game Time Played for a player to receive." be elaborated upon? What drops would be affected, how would game time interact with that etc?
We are keeping somewhat broad to avoid people "farming" accounts with the specific amount of time, but if you are no longer a new player and active, you should be good. :)